Jenna Cardinale
About the Anchor's Appetite
About the anchor’s appetite
for sinking:
Open and open-
mouthed. And into.
At least the ocean is
reliable. Its flirt
feels far off.
And a barrier
island is an island
that serves–
Pressed hard against what we want
out and away.
And what we want.
But I am in it.
I do not move, no matter
my fear of being swallowed.
Nuisance Behavior
Serious conflicts are rare–
Preying on– Examining more
closely– Identifying methods
of avoidance–
Coyotes in the city.
Also, online dating.
If confronted, get loud.
Be bigger than you appear.
Throwing things until you are all alone.
Copyright © 2016 Map Literary and Jenna Cardinale